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The purpose of this Policy is to provide a framework for decision-making in connection with information technology devices and guidelines for the use of information technology devices at Buglo Play Sp. z o.o..


This Policy applies to all employees of Buglo Play Sp. z o.o.. In this Policy, the terms “members” and “employees” refer to all persons employed under an employment or consulting contract with Spółką Buglo Play Sp. z o.o..

In this Policy, the term “IT equipment” includes computers, laptops, cell phones, tablets, telephones, printers, supplies, photocopiers, and all other digital and electronic equipment and peripherals provided by the Company.

Exceptions to this Policy must be approved and authorized, as appropriate, by the President of Buglo Play Sp. z o. o. and head of the IT department.


This Policy is based on professional, mature and responsible behavior by all employees. It is implemented to provide the best, most efficient and safest services at all times so that all employees can work in the most secure environment possible.

Business purpose, common sense and cost-consciousness, as well as Buglo Play sp. z o. o.'s commitment to compliance and protection of commercial data and the data of its employees, customers and partners, are always the determinants when making decisions about computer systems and IT equipment.

Employees must comply with all local laws regarding computer systems and all applicable policies of the Buglo Play Sp. z o.o., local internal rules and regulations that apply to them. Buglo Play Sp. z o.o. and its employees will also adhere to best practices and standards of business ethics, including the management of confidential, business and personal data.

This Policy is subject to applicable local laws and regulations



The local IT representative assigns the appropriate device depending on the employee's needs related to their duties:
* Laptop/desktop computer:
If an employee needs to travel frequently or work from home (with manager approval), provide assistance outside of working hours, or needs to be more mobile (e.g., for training or travel between locations), he or she is provided with a laptop. If this is not the case, the employee receives a desktop computer.
* Tablets:
Exclusively for specific applications (e.g., in plants that have a production department and need tablets connected to a server or for sales representatives).
Employees are not allowed to use more than one device (e.g., one desktop computer and one laptop) unless they get permission from their supervisor and IT manager to do so and it is directly related to their current duties.


2.1. With the goal of providing the best support to the employees of Buglo Play Sp. z o.o. we chose the Dell brand as the standard for laptops and desktops.
A list of all standard DELL devices will be published on the Buglo Play IT portal.

2.2. Buglo Play Sp. z o.o.’s IT department develops a standard configuration procedure.
Appropriate devices can only be ordered by an IT department employee, according to the configuration procedure for proper installation and release for use.

2.3. All devices (laptops/desktops) come with a 3-year warranty, including a “Next Business Day Technical Support at the site of use” package.


3.1. The minimum lifetime of a computer is 3 years. Before that, it cannot be replaced.

3.2. If the device fails during its service life, a model of similar quality (used) will be provided as a replacement. Replacement of the device with a new one will be considered only at the end of its useful life and only if the repair costs are considered too high.

3.3. At the end of the operating period, an employee who operates the equipment in question and is in an employment relationship may repurchase the operated equipment at 5% of the net value of the purchase price of the equipment he or she operates. If the right to purchase the equipment being operated is relinquished, the equipment will be retained as a spare and recycled in 2 years.


4.1. The minimum lifetime of a phone is 2 years. Before that, it cannot be replaced.

4.2. If the device fails during its service life, a model of similar quality (used) will be provided as a replacement. Replacement of the device with a new one will be considered only at the end of its useful life and only if the repair costs are considered too high.

4.3. At the end of the operating period, an employee who operates the equipment in question and is in an employment relationship may repurchase the operated equipment at 10% of the net value of the purchase price of the equipment he or she operates. If the right to purchase the equipment being operated is relinquished, the equipment will be retained as a spare and recycled in 2 years.

5. handling of equipment in the event of an employee's departure

5.1. Employees who leave the company (termination by the employer or employee, etc.) are not allowed to keep or redeem their devices (laptop and cell phone, etc.) and must return them to the IT representative as part of a “circulation slip.”

5.2. Employees can request a representative from the IT department to keep their business phone number. The Management Board makes the final decision in this regard.

5.3. All access to the Buglo Play Sp. z o.o. network and its services will be turned off on the date of official termination of the employee's employment, confirmed to the IT Department by the HR Department.

5.4. The employee's email account, emails and all attachments, as well as additional information stored by the employee on Buglo Play Sp. z o.o.'s network or on the employee's company devices are considered company property and are archived, deleted or otherwise processed in accordance with information security guidelines.

5.5. The company retains data for the statutory retention period, and if necessary or under internal regulations for longer than the aforementioned period. Sharing of data by the company is subject to the company's Privacy Policy and applicable laws.



1.1. Employees are required to exercise due care when using company equipment.
They should make every effort to keep all company equipment in perfect working order.

1.2. IT devices should be used mainly for the employee's business purposes.
Limited personal use is permitted, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and in accordance with the internal rules and regulations of Buglo Play Sp. z o.o. However, please note that all data stored on Buglo Play Sp. z o.o. devices, accounts and systems will be treated by Buglo Play Sp. z o.o. as its property.


2.1. Any software or licenses installed by an IT representative on computer equipment belong to or are licensed by Buglo Play Sp. z o.o. The employee is not authorized to make copies and/or install them on a personal device.

2.2. To keep IT equipment in good condition and avoid computer and virus problems, employees are not allowed to install software other than that installed by an IT representative. Employees are personally liable for downloaded and unlicensed software or software that has not been installed by an IT representative. The IT department, upon discovering the presence of unauthorized software, immediately uninstalls it and notifies the employee's supervisor of the situation.

2.3. Employees who need to install special software must obtain approval from their supervisor (in case licenses are required) and submit a request to an IT representative.


3.1. Inappropriate use of the Internet can result in decreased productivity and negatively affect business operations. It can cause viruses/trojans to spread through the network, damage the company's IT resources leading to significant losses or a temporary halt in business operations.

3.2. Employees must avoid exposing the network to danger, and some online activities are always prohibited. The list of prohibited activities includes (the list is not exhaustive):
* Sharing, storing and transferring data via the Internet or public cloud solutions, unless specifically approved by IT. Approved cloud services must comply with the information security requirements of Buglo Play Sp. z o.o. as determined by the Company's IT department.
* Peer-to-peer downloading or uploading files or any non-business related files.
* Playing streamed videos or listening to streamed music on websites.
* Browsing websites with illegal and inappropriate content such as pornography, gambling, drugs, violence/hate/racism, malware/spyware, phishing.


4.1. Buglo Play Sp. z o.o.'s e-mail services should be used for the employee's business purposes.
Personal e-mails are tolerated and should be kept to a minimum, moreover, they must not interfere with work efficiency and productivity. Please note that all private e-mails sent from a Buglo Play Sp. z o.o. email account will be archived and searched as necessary for legitimate Buglo Play Sp. z o.o. business purposes.

4.2. It is forbidden to send emails with illegal content or respond to chain emails (e.g., “forward this email to all your friends...”).
It is also forbidden to subscribe to mailing lists unrelated to the activities of Buglo Play Sp. z o.o..


The following wireless network will be deployed at all Buglo Play Sp. z o.o. establishments:
* Buglo_Guest:
This network is NOT connected to the local corporate network.
It can be used by outside visitors or employees of Buglo Play Sp. z o.o. using cell phones.
* Buglo_IoT:
This is the company's main wireless network.
It can only be configured by Buglo Play Sp. z o.o.'s IT specialists and used only on Buglo Play Sp. z o.o.'s standard workstations. Employees are not allowed to connect their company or private cell phones to it.


The list of prohibited activities includes (the list is not exhaustive):
* Connecting any personal devices (USB flash drives, USB hard drives, CDs, DVDs, etc.) to a computer without the permission of the local IT Department representative.
* Using, installing and connecting any unauthorized equipment such as switches, access points, cameras, etc. to the corporate network. Any additional equipment or modifications to the corporate network and infrastructure must only be made by an IT representative.
* Conducting activities not related to the scope of their official duties on Buglo Play Sp. z o.o.'s IT equipment.


7.1. All data must be saved on company network drives and company cloud accounts.

7.2. All data stored on company servers, on company computers or in company cloud storage services belongs to Buglo Play Sp. z o.o.. It is forbidden to copy them to personal devices (USB, CD, etc.) and to distribute them to employees outside of Buglo Play Sp. z o.o..

7.3. Backups are made only for files stored on the company's network drives. Files stored on local computer drives are not backed up! It is incumbent on the employee to save them in the right place.

7.4. Any files containing sensitive data, including personal data, should be encrypted and password protected.


8.1. In accordance with local laws, Buglo Play Sp. z o.o. routinely records and monitors its computer systems, including Internet and e-mail traffic, and reserves the right to use this information in the event of a disciplinary or legal investigation or for legitimate business purposes.

8.2. IT devices and system logs can be subject to more detailed analysis, which will serve in disciplinary, investigative or legal cases.

8.3. Buglo Play Sp. z o.o. reserves the right to take action based on any information obtained from online sources, including social media, if it indicates that an employee is violating Buglo Play Sp. z o.o. policies or the law.
In case of any questions about this Policy, please contact your local IT Department representative.


