
Design your child's dream playground!

Design your child's dream playground!

Many people associate playgrounds with places full of loud and joyful laughs. Now they are also a space for adults and youth alike. One can find outdoor gyms and exercise equipment even in small city parks. Do you want to set up a yard for outdoor play and activities? Are you managing the construction of a housing development and planning a place with outdoor fitness equipment? Does your preschool need a playground? BUGLO professionals will help you design and build the elements of this space! How to prepare the perfect place for kids and adults to spend their free time? Several key facts for you!

Designing a playground — how to do it right?

A playground should be a place full of fun, beautiful memories as well as active and creative leisure activities for children. Places for athletes, on the other hand, should be useful. Aside from looking good, or the usefulness of its individual pieces, such a space must be safe — first and foremost. Whether it's designing playgrounds in gated communities, parks, or within a daycare center — the key principles are always the same.

Appropriate location

Jeśli decydujesz się na budowę placu zabaw, pewne jest to, że posiadasz ku temu odpowiedni teren. Park? Ogrodzony teren obok przedszkola? Nim rozpoczniesz projektowanie i podejmiesz dalsze kroki, w pierwszej kolejności dokładnie przemyśl ustawienie wszelkich elementów. Nie wiesz, jak to zrobić dokładnie? 

If you decide to build a playground, it’s obvious you should have the land for it. A park, maybe? A fenced area next to the nursery? Before you start designing and taking further steps, first carefully consider the positioning of any and all elements. Not sure how to do this exactly?
Appropriate restrictions to be applied to the construction of public playgrounds come to the rescue. Among the guidelines provided are the types of surface (rubber, sand of various granulation grades, bark, etc.), which depend on the free fall height (the height from which a child can safely fall). Of course, we're only talking about public squares here. One should also always make sure that the equipment does not interfere with each other, that the ground is suitable for playground’s swing, slide, house or merry-go-round placement.

Age-appropriate attractions

Not all attractions are universal enough to bring joy to a two-year-old and a twelve-year-old alike. Before starting work, think carefully about what children want, what brings them joy and contributes to their development. Specific guidelines for the size or width of equipment are also important. Dimensions of the given area and the attractions should be adjusted to the space available, but also to the age of the child and the subsequent playground’s usability.

How to create a design and what elements to use?

Playground equipment is actually one of the most important factors in the planning and construction process. Devices, as we already know, must be age-appropriate, but most importantly — they should meet key safety standards. Want to design your playground properly? The dimensions of the area, the devices, their usefulness are not as important as what materials are swings or slides made of. It’s important they cannot cause harm to users.


Playground equipment is actually one of the most important factors in the planning and construction process. Devices, as we already know, must be age-appropriate, but most importantly — they should meet key safety standards. Want to design your playground properly? The dimensions of the area, the devices, their usefulness are not as important as what materials are swings or slides made of. It’s important they cannot cause harm to users.

How to create the perfect playground? Get help from specialists!

If you want to make sure that swings, fitness equipment, merry-go-rounds, or playground houses are made of the best materials — let BUGLO help you out! What are the benefits of contacting professionals in this industry?
1. First and foremost, you have the opportunity to take advantage of an offer which provides support with your landscaping design — whether you are deciding on a fitness area in a public space or a playground at a daycare center. You’ll receive 2D or 3D designs, depending on your needs.
2. Moreover, the creators and designers meticulously follow the already mentioned manufacturing rules in accordance with the PN-EN 1176 standard. Everything is done to the letter of the law, with concern for the safety of both children and youth.
3. BUGLO provides, above all, a comprehensive service. Looking for A to Z support? The company's experts (at every single stage) will be happy to provide the necessary assistance. Not sure where to start? We’ll tell you how to make the ideal selection of equipment, which elements will be appropriate. Visualization is next. No one wants to buy a cat in a bag after all! Please note! This is important! At BUGLO we elaborate visualizations, going hand in hand with your wishes and expectations. All this in a really short time! You can carry out the offer and bring it to life, as designed, with the help of BUGLO's experienced installation team. But it doesn't end there — the offer also includes subsequent warranty service of the playground (or outdoor gym) during the warranty period. This period depends on the chosen material and components, ranging from 2 to 5 years. Of course, regular maintenance reviews take place by prior arrangement between the parties. Comprehensive service under the guidance of experienced experts? Only with BUGLO!
Playground design in itself can be an incredible pleasure! What goes into your ability to create a near perfect playground or outdoor gym? Equipment, site plan into specific elements, but also safety and — most importantly — age-appropriateness for users. A playground is a place where children play, develop, build relationships, but most of all — they have a great time. Adults, on the other hand, have the opportunity to get in shape using our fitness tools. Such solutions activate the local community and housing estate residents of all ages.



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